Werdervision Song Contest #292


Platz User Interpret Song Punkte
1 Flansch Collective Soul Shine 99
2 Quasikasn A Perfect Circle Judith 91
3 kymbrium The Cult Libertine 83
4 anlup GRAVEYARD Breathe In Breathe Out 78
5 Brotmann Simple Plan I'm Just A Kid 75
6 Sand-Sturm The National Parks Trouble 72
7 BOWLINGEFO REO Speeedwagon Keep on loving you 61
8 Oberfrankenwerderanerin Whither I'd stay forever 60
9 oglutz Thomas Bergersen Xunia 58
10 MrDave7 Oliver Anthony Rich Men North Of Richmond 57
11 losty Blaize Jenkins Phases 55
12 DoctorPeppschmier Jim James Throwback 53
13 schlö U.V. PØP Serious 51
14 Dennis81 Royal Republic Back from Dead 45
15 Exil-Ostfriese Tausend Rosen Geist 40
16 Flutlicht82 Uaral The Waiting And The Cry 39
17 andy0606 The Sextape Queen of The Fools 35
18 hendryk da Podbies LEUCHTFEUER 27
19 neuben DAWN OF DISEASE Perimortal 23